Monday 6 June 2011

Birds of a Feather

We’ve all heard the saying “Birds of a feather flock together”.

People who think like us, want the same things, talk and act like us; these people make us feel better about ourselves.  People who are different, whose thoughts, feelings and desires are different make us feel insecure and uncertain about ourselves.

 A “birds-of-a-feather church” is a comfortable church, in which we can feel secure and pat each other on the back because we all think the same way.  A “birds-of-a-feather church” doesn’t take kindly to having among them people who don’t think and act just the way they do.  But it is a church which has no self-confidence to reach out and accept others who might think and act differently.

Romans 15:7 - “Accept one another, then, just as Christ has accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

 Look at Romans 15:7 again.  Key here is “as Christ has accepted you”.  Acceptance of others comes directly out of having been accepted by Christ.  When we know He has accepted us, we are freed from the need to prove to ourselves and to others that we are right.  This frees us to accept others. Because we are accepted.

 At Community Life Church, we want to be able to make this statement:  “Christ has accepted me, as I was, as I am, and as I am striving to become.  No matter how different you and I may look at things, I accept you”.

And to back this up, we put in our doctrinal statement that it is okay to have questions and doubts as we dig deeper into our faith, and it is okay to disagree with one another within the unity of our fellowship.  The purpose of this is to try to create a safe place within our fellowship for people to ask questions and wrestle with their doubts, for that is the way to build a stronger faith.

At Community Life Church, we want to welcome “birds with different feathers”.


  1. Great words Eric! We're trying hard to BE that church, but it takes time and we will make mistakes along the way. I am so proud of where we are and where we are headed. I'm especially proud of the older generation at CLC for their support and courage to re-think how they've always done church. Proud to be a part of the journey at CLC, and I'm excited to see who else will join this journey with us!

  2. Tremendous. There are three particular things we are instructed to do "as Christ" did for us..

    • Love one another as Christ loved you.
    • Forgive one another as Christ forgave you.
    • ACCEPT one another as Christ accepted you.

    It's a display of grace to actually accept people as they are and to allow them to work out their salvation(Philippians). We must always remember that the verse following that instruction reminds us it is God who works in them to show them what He wants. It's not us or a group of people or even a book on theology that works in them. People need to be allowed the freedom to discover God.

    God bless you guys as you plow this ground.
