Sunday 21 July 2013

Greeting each morning

Some people are "morning people" bouncing out of bed and excited to start the day; others are grumpy until that first cup of coffee gives them a boost.  Whichever way you lean, how you start your morning shapes your first attitude as you face your day.

Brian McLaren, in his book Naked Spirituality, gives a great piece of advice which is a sure way to get your day off to a great start.

"Give God the first greeting every morning"

Brian notes that as he emerges from sleep into awareness, even before opening his eyes, he turns his attention to God with this little prayer of thanks and worship:

"O Lord! Good morning! Here I am, with you for a new day, and here you are, with me as always.  Thank you, Living God, for this fresh installment in the gracious gift of life! O Lord! I worship you for who you are, gracious and compassionate, just and good, holy and forgiving, almighty and gentle."

How could anyone be grumpy after that!!!  Starting the day with a little silent meditation like this puts everything in perspective. 

A "fresh installment in the gracious gift of life": what a great way to shape your attitude for the day!

(From Brian McLaren's book Naked Spirituality, page 77)